Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

- Describe and discuss the notions and perspectives of leadership and management, including basic concepts, history, evolution, approaches and theoretical views.

- Describe and discuss the key issues in leadership and management in organizations: personality, attitudes and work behaviors, leading people ...

- Develop the techniques and capabilities necessary to leaders and managers in organizations: systems/critical thinking, strategic management, skills of decision making, and more

- Present and discuss emergent issues relating to leadership and management: mindful business leadership, change management, business model, and more

- Understand and employ systems thinking and case study method in dealing with leadership and management in organizations


The course comprises 4 key sections.

Section 1 presents the fundamental concepts of leadership, including leadership approaches (traits, skills, behavioral, situational), theoretical views of leadership (transformative, adaptive, team leadership, etc).

Section 2 discusses about the principles of management, including personality, attitude and work behaviors; developing organizational missions, visions, and values; developing strategies for organizations; organizational structures and changes; organizational culture; decision making; managing teams; leading people; motivating people, etc.

Section 3 helps students to develop managerial skills, including personal skills, interpersonal skills, group skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, etc.

Section 4 helps students to make action plans to develop the total leadership competencies to meet stakeholders' demands.

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- The objectives of the course are to provide participants with driving force, knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship/startup depending upon the current socio-economic context and personal traits regarding psychology, context, professional education, career...


The course provides the participants with the entrepreneurial concept, roles of entrepreneurship to the individual and economic development, entrepreneurial process, details of the process, namely, opportunity recognition, idea generation, feasible analysis, industrial and competitive analysis, writing a business plan and startup business management and growth.

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